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The Sad Story of the Chemtrails Cult and Michael J Murphy

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As we all mourn the sudden passing of Michael Jamal Brooks in our own ways, we’d like to tell you the story of another man named Michael who passed away this week. The story of Michael J Murphy is the polar opposite of the story of Michael Brooks in almost every way. Michael Brooks came out of poverty to become a fierce fighter for the truth. Murphy came from privilege and became a propagandist, spreading fear and paranoia about jet exhaust.

Our coverage of Michael Murphy started with an article in the very early days of this project about how he basically conned the chemtrails activism community out of around 15 grand for a movie that he never made. At this point, he was still housed somewhere in the Los Angeles area to the best of our knowledge and we figured it was yet another conspiracy theory con-job on GoFundMe, because it’s not like that hasn’t happened before. And it’s not like that doesn’t continue to happen to this day.

Sometime in May of 2016 Michael Murphy lost his mind for all intents and purposes. Not long after that, everyone learned that Michael was living on the streets of Inglewood California. His social media posts became more and more unhinged, including stories about Mariah Carey and a princess who were in danger nearby, he claimed he could hear them screaming. His live videos from then all the way back in 2016 till just a few months ago showed a man who was clearly in crisis. And what did the community of chemtrails “activists” do? Well it would be nice if we could tell you they did nothing, but what they did was worse than nothing unfortunately. The claims that were made about this were fucking insane and they were made in Michael’s comments where he could read them. He was a clone, he was a victim of MK-Ultra, the government was forcing him to use drugs somehow because he had gotten too close to the truth during his work on the 3rd movie, but it all kind of came down to him being a “Targeted Individual” in the end. It was an incredible sight to see.

Today, as we write this, the person who berated us for having spoken to Michael Murphy on our live show and podcast in August of 2016, sees fit to say nothing about “The Godfather Of The Chemtrails Movement”. But instead, she posts this.

Fuck MadisonStar Moon. This man who she called her friend is dead. And she isn't gonna say shit, because there’s really no way to make this about her. She had one of the last interviews with Michael J Murphy where he sounded at least somewhat coherent, so where ya at, Maddy? 

When he “went missing” for the first time in 2014, she sure was interested in finding him, or wanted to appear to be. After all, her association with him was an integral part of her grift. She believed that he was somehow credible and for her to be credible, she needed to hitch her wagon to him. But once she found out that he was in dire need of help, what did she do? When she went to Los Angeles to visit John Graff, what did she do? Nothing. That’s what she did. Just like everyone else in the community. After he lost his marbles, the only use Michael Murphy was to MadisonStar Moon was as a prop to be all “look how mean the shills are”.

Fuck MadisonStar Moon
Fuck Jim Lee
Fuck Raphaelle O’Neill
Fuck Shane Calkins
Fuck Matt Landman
Fuck Max Bliss
Fuck John Graff (especailly him, he lives near Inglewood)
Fuck Dane Wigington
Fuck Russ Tanner
Fuck Araya Light (or whatever her real name is)

And also, fuck Ronald Reagan. Yes, Ronald Reagan. In 1981, Ronald Reagan signed a budget that repealed the vast majority of the provisions of The Mental Health Systems Act, which passed just one year prior. The 1981 budget stripped out much of the federal mental health assistance that existed prior to MHSA as well, putting nearly all of the burden for government mental health services on the states. And on that note, also fuck the state of California for not making mental health services a priority. And fuck the city of Inglewood while we’re at it. After all, that’s where this man spent the last years of his life. And to the best of our knowledge, Michael Murphy never came in contact with the city or county’s mental health services.

In a country with virtually no social safety net, especially for those having a mental health crisis, a version of this story is probably happening to thousands of families as you read this article. But most of them are not waging what is essentially an information war with a bunch of deranged conspiracy theorists who are claiming that their loved one is suffering from fucking mind control due to the fact that they got too close to the truth about jet exhaust.

As Generation X, Millennials, and the Zoomers watch some of our older relatives descend into the QAnon madness, we need to find a way to practice radical empathy as part of our collective plan to deprogram the very people who once told us “don’t believe what you see on the internet, you dumb kids”. We will fail if we aren’t able to find a way to do that. Just like the chemtrails community failed to help Michael Murphy, but it’s not as though any of those fuckers really tried. Radical empathy hasn’t been the brand here at Echoplex Media, so call us hypocrites if you must. You probably wouldn’t be wrong if you did. We are not heroes in this story. We will probably never be heroes in any story.

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